Cookie Dough Protein Bites

These look yummy…and healthy to boot!! I, personally won’t add the protein powder, because I’m not into that. Can’t wait to make them…

Bon Appetit Everyone!! šŸ™‚


I used to love raw cookie doughā€¦licking the bowl, the spoon and even eating the cookies before they went into the oven! I donā€™t know many people who donā€™t like it, as a matter of fact. Usually cookie dough is loaded with sugar, white flour, butter and eggs. It is definitely not something healthy to be snacking on. That is why I decided to make a clean, healthy, protein-packed recipe to snack on and I think Iā€™ve come up with a winner.


Cookie Dough Protein Bites
1āƒ£Mix together
šŸ”¹1/4c pb, heated
šŸ”¹1/4c greek yogurt
šŸ”¹2scoops vanilla protein powder
šŸ”¹1t stevia
šŸ”¹1t vanilla extract
2āƒ£Add in and mix again:
šŸ”¹2T carob chips (or dark chocolate chips)
3āƒ£Roll into small ā€œbitesā€ and refrigerate

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